“at the confluence of near infinite potentials, creativity and critical thinking converge, to ignite insights that render revolutionary innovations to humanity’s fundamental challenges.”

Who we are?

Strategicbongo, empowered by Demosophy, is the trusted, value-added resource that enables businesses to identify, adapt and achieve goals.

We assist clients with offensive and defensive strategies that engage effectively in all economic environments, affording businesses the resilience and agility necessary to navigate headwinds. Our passion resides in devising and managing organic growth strategies in the pursuit of operational excellence.

People in the World


  • Proven business experience
  • Extensive industry knowledge
  • Cutting-edge technology
  • World-class alliances


  • Drive improvements in operational efficiency and productivity
  • Deliver compelling strategic business and marketing plans
  • Best manage risk and increase compliance
  • Elevate business intelligence
  • Afford methodologies to better understand and leverage technology
  • Cultivate strategic alliances


How do we define a “socially responsible” leader?

These leaders understand that a company’s success goes beyond profits. They strive to positively impact the world while achieving business goals.

  • Focuses on Long-Term Sustainability: They understand that a company’s success is tied to the well-being of its communities and the environment it affects. They prioritize sustainable practices and ethical decision-making.
  • Champions Ethical Practices: They ensure the company operates with honesty, integrity, and fairness. This includes fair treatment of employees, responsible sourcing of materials, and transparency with stakeholders.
  • Considers Environmental Impact: They acknowledge the company’s environmental impact and strive to minimize negative effects. This includes not just renewable energy sources, reducing waste, or developing eco-friendly products but also the health of people and living plants.
  • Invests in Community Development: They recognize the importance of a healthy and thriving community around the company. They might support local initiatives, invest in education programs, or create jobs.
  • Understands Diversity and Inclusion: They believe in creating a workplace balance that welcomes and values people from all backgrounds. This fosters creativity, innovation, and a meaningful company culture.
  • Leads by Example: They embody the company’s values and inspire others to do the same. They are transparent in their actions and accountable for their decision



Strategicbongo is the key resource for business executives to effectively identify and operationalize initiatives without taxing or redirecting existing resources away from critical day-to-day activities.

Clients gain peace of mind knowing that an expert network of thought leaders invest time and capital to stay abreast of the dynamic market conditions and technological advancements. The result affords clients a distinct competitive advantage — today and well into the future.


A lot has happened over the past 30 years of business.  Globalization has been achieved largely in our lifetime through provocative and transformative initiatives. Our expert resources have infused beneficial organizational change across

  • Health Information Technology
  • Cloud Service Communications
  • Performance System
  • Incentive Systems
  • Neurosciences & Human Performance
  • Telecommunications
  • Enterprise Technology & Development
  • STEAM Education
  • Broadcast Media Psychology & Publishing 
  • Food/AgriBusiness
  • Real Estate & Development

It jazzes us to apply our experience to assist client-partners in solving pressing challenges. Together, we make life better, near and long term.

Expert Services and Advisory

Business Optimization

EXECUTE WITH GREATER CONSISTENCY Business processes are strategic assets, both a source of differentiation and value to customers and shareholders. We collaborate with corporate users to define business models and operating strategies to optimize mission-critical processes. Our experience and industry

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Cloud Leverage & Scale

RIDE THE CLOUD Upheavals in the economy have created a “new normal” that requires businesses to operate at unparalleled efficiency and agility. The power of technology can assist: Harness powerful new software solutions without making costly investments in IT infrastructure

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Alliance Development

STRATEGIC ALLIANCES ARE POWERFUL Competition exists across the entire business ecosystem, including attracting the best talent, securing qualified alliances, and landing clients.  That’s why establishing effective methods to identify, attract, and maintain pre and post-sale alliances that broaden the market

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Risk Mitigation

PROACTIVELY PREVENT RISK EVENTS Protect the organization’s value, reduce costs, and improve cash flow from operations by proactively preventing risk events and compliance violations by incorporating risk management and compliance into strategy, planning, and operational execution. SUSTAINABLE PRACTICESTHAT ADDS BUSINESS

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SUSTAINABLE OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE Businesses and governments continue to make broad-based growth in sustainability-related investments. As a result, there is a need to integrate sustainability, not as a layer, but into the fabric of the business. At Strategicbongo, our goal is

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Turnaround Strategy

MOVE THOUGHTFULLY AND WITH AGILITY INITIATE THE NECESSARY CHANGES TO ALTER CURRENT TRAJECTORY This stage is optional and often occurs during a Mature or Decline stage when an enterprise has the awareness to recognize its situation and initiate the necessary changes

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Strategic Planning

GROWTH, RESILIENCY, SUSTAINABILITY, AND PROFITABILITY Strategicbongo’s broad range of strategic planning services and capabilities help companies develop long-term growth strategies and improvements in short-term agility and efficiency to achieve sustainable competitive advantage – for all stages of the organizational life

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Strategic Marketing

Market Discovery and Intelligence Strategic Bongo sets the tempo and carefully assembles the message for each market segment and its rightful constituents. We ardently build methods and supporting toolsets that minimize message confusion and optimize message delivery across all communication

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